The excellence of the product is the result of a careful control process that guarantees genuineness and quality. Only 'High Quality` milk is used (DM 185).
The main factors that determine the goodness of our milk are:
- respect and attention to the living conditions of the animals;
- attention to their feeding: pastures, fodder, water;
- the numerous checks to which they are subjected;
- processing of the raw material in optimal hygienic conditions and milking in aseptic conditions;
- fast and careful post-milking processing: filtration and immediate refrigeration, or transport to the plant within 4 hours from milking in disinfected and sterilized tanks;
- the release of the product on the market a few hours after production to guarantee maximum quality and freshness.
For our milk we can talk about a real local culture, because all the components put in place to get the final product are expressed at the highest levels.